
Farm-harvested, dairy-derived skincare for a creamy complexion.

MilkMade Beauty’s Whey Cleanser is a probiotic, mineral-packed luxury facial treatment backed by both science and generations of traditional “old ways” medicine.

Villa Villekulla Farm goat milk forms the foundation of MilkMade’s toner. The milk is transformed into skyr in small batches on the farm. Whey is collected as the skyr strains and blended with native plants to create a natural exfoliating treatment that leaves the skin brightened and nourished.

Villa Villekulla Farm goat milk forms the foundation of MilkMade’s cleanser. The milk is transformed into skyr in small batches on the farm. Whey is collected as the skyr strains and blended with native plants to create a natural exfoliating treatment that leaves the skin brightened and nourished.


Committed to natural beauty  

Pure Ingredients

The primary element of our Whey Cleanser is sourced right on our home farm in Vermont, with a short list obsessively vetted components that allow this superstar ingredient to do its job. Our magical formulation was created by Priya Narasimhan, whose own line of natural skincare, Priya Means Love, also embodies a celebration of the curative and transformative power of the natural world surrounding us. Her reverence for nature and finely tuned sensitivity shines through in all that she creates.

Small Batch

Skyr is made by hand several times a week and whey is collected and processed immediately to ensure maximum freshness and optimal performance.

Ethically Sourced

Doing it ourselves ensures we can oversee the provenance and quality of our ingredients and end product from start to finish. This all starts with a herd of beloved goats, whose welfare is the utmost priority on our farm. Finding expansive ways to use their incredible milk allows us to stay small, ensuring that each animal gets the care and attention they deserve.